Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An Argument Illustration - (11/5/05)

Ms. Issue needed to make a trip to visit Mr. Heart. She informed her friends of the trip and they laughed at her.

“Mr. Heart sees no one,” they said.

“Well, it is very important and he is going to have to see me,” she replied.

Ms. Issue’s friends bid her fair well and good luck because Mr. Heart has very tight security. He has two guards at the gates, and one very big guard at the door of his house.She drove to Mr. Heart’s dwelling and as her friends said, there were the two guards at the gate. Ms. Issue pulled up and stuck her head out the window.

“Hey, how yall doin?” She asked.

“Fine,” they both answered. “What can we do for you today?”

She looked at his name tag, “Well, Mr. Insecurity, I need to see Mr. Heart Today.”

“Mr. Heart is not seeing anyone today. I can give him a message for you.”

“It’s quite important though,” she replied.

“We just can’t let anybody in. Mr. Heart is a very important man. We can’t risk him getting hurt, so we will just have to relay your message.”

“Well, Sir, I am not happy with the way he has been taking care of some things and I’d like to give him a few ideas,” says Ms. Issue.

Mr. Insecurity sticks his finger on his ear and begins talking into his chest, “Paging Mr. Heart…We have a disgruntled woman out here who says she doesn’t like how you are running things and thinks she can do your job better.”

Mr. Heart replied back, “I appreciate her insights and I would like to set up an appointment to meet with her when I am more available.”

Mr. Insecurity looked back at Ms. Issue to relay the message, “Mr. Heart says he don’t have time to deal with your problems today.”

Upset, Ms. Issue looked at the other guard, “Mr. Pride, maybe you could better help me please. Can you plead with Mr. Heart that it is urgent that we discuss these things so they do not keep getting worse?”

“Look, Ms. Issue!” Exclaimed Mr. Pride. “We just got a job to do here. Mr. Heart has got all things under control. He doesn’t need the likes of you coming in here disrupting and disturbing him! He wouldn’t be where he is today if he didn’t know what he was doing.”

Ms. Issue huffed and puffed then sped her car into reverse. She forcefully pushed it back in gear. Then with fire in her eyes, she pressed the peddle to the floor. The tires screeched and the car went flying. The two guards screamed and jumped out of the way. Ms. Issue’s car busted the gates wide open, speeding all the way down the drive way.

Mr. Heart’s top and personal security guard, Mr. Defensive, pulled out his gun and shot up all four of her tires. The car went spinning out of control then came to a screeching halt. He ran up to Ms. Issue pointing his gun at her.

“Get out of the car with your hands up, now!”

Ms. Issue, scared and upset, got out of the car. “Please, I didn’t mean to cause a scene. I just wanted to speak to Mr. Heart. He’s hurting some of his people and I just wanted to talk to him about it.”

A security team came running from behind the house and apprehended Ms. Issue.

Mr. Defensive blurted out, “No one comes in here thinking they can bust pass me! Mr. Heart is very vulnerable and I’m here to make sure no one hurts him. Get her out of here!”

Security took a very hurt and angry Ms. Issue and booted her out to the street and Mr. Heart never got to hear her plea…

Click here to read Part Two - The Resolution


  1. Wait, I'm confused. That's not a happy ending at all. Mr. Heart never got to say anything in his defense either.

  2. Part 2 is below it Tommy...I wrote the conclusion five years later
